Wednesday 8 June 2016

My first blog

Wednsday 8th June 2016

hello blogers and non blogers my name is geofrey garcia we have ben doing activaties  at school  one of them were baking save the world project and many things more.

 learn in a class room its 3 classrooms joined up into one aur wonderfull teachers in our classrooms are miss Gardine for room 10p, mrs Jenkins for 10q and mrs Paul for 10r

thankyou for reeding my blog hope to blog to you next time  bie


  1. some mistakes. nice introducing our school's senior syndicate

  2. Thanks for the peer feedback Ace. How could your feedback be more specific to help Geofrey improve his post?

  3. good little intro geofrey about your first blog

  4. good little intro geofrey about your first blog

  5. thanks for comenting
