How to become a blogging Ninja!

Are you a blogging Ninja?

ninja typing.jpegHere’s how to get your Blogging Licence!  You will need your licence before you can Ninja your way to your own blog!  You need to have these things checked off by a peer and a teacher!

Ninja Challenge
Teacher Signature
Peer Signature
Write a blog post with correct surface features.

Write a blog post that is easy to read - no crazy colours, backgrounds or fonts!

Insert an image into a blog post.

Add a label correctly, including ensuring a homeroom label is used each time a post is made.

Embed a screencastify video of your learning or how to do one of these tasks (e.g. how to post, comment, add a page etc) in a post.

Blog on at least 2 different learning areas/experiences.

Be reflective on your blog to show you are using the language of a learner.

Comment on a blog post demonstrating good digital citizenship/language of a learner

Embed a youtube video on

Add a page on blogger

Create a business card - tell everyone about your blog! See Mrs J for a template.

Demo slam a new app/extension/trick to the whole class

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