Friday 17 June 2016

Mahi Tahi matariki star gazing night


Last night at school we had a Matariki star gazing night. Two astronomers from the Ashbourton astronomy club came to speak to us and they bought their telescopes so we could look at the stars. We got to see the moon really close up, Jupiter and its four moons, mars and Saturn. Everyone who came brought some food it was delicous.


  1. Well done on a fabulous post. I like how you have used lot's of detail and some pictures so I can see what the night was like. What planet or constellation did you like seeing the most?

  2. Hi Rakaia school. You've posted a few comments on my blog, asking me to visit your blog. So here I am! Great blog, I love how all your posts are written by students, not just the teacher. We had a Star gazing night last week, but not with a feast, lucky you!! My school doesn't have uniforms, so its basically Mufti day the whole time for us!! We also did a mystery skype, and the people we skyped were also from Auckland. Nice work, you have a big range of posts and it gives an insight into what things you are doing in your class.
    Freya, Hampden Street School.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. what was your favourite star/constalation?
